Life as we know it and as we take it...

"Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear"

From past two months, weather condition in Bangalore is astoundingly stupefying and romantic. If you are tired and enervated, I suggest you to go for a stroll in Cubbon Park, Lal Bagh, or any other private park. Lush green leaves, vivid flowers, chirping of birds, dew drops falling on your cheek, light music coming from nowhere, etc., the feeling is just amazing. A month ago, in mid July I was walking on the street and there was a heavy shower of rain. (p.s.: Sometimes I become rain-maniac and love to get drenched or take a walk in heavy rain. I feel like eating Ice cream, especially my all time favorite hot chocolate fudge.) I saw a couple of kids playing football, and it was torn all around but nonetheless reasonably round. Ah!! What fun those two were having. For a moment I was petrified, as one kid baffled the other with his exceptional chicanery and his natural endowment of ball control. This thirteen or fourteen year old kid had the potential to give any defender serious nightmares.

I’m feeling very sad to state, he never WILL. He lives in a slum and soon he’ll be helping his father and start earning for his living. For 10hrs of arduous labor work, he’ll take home a paltry sum of 40 or 50 bucks. Some of us don’t know the value of money. Some of us, just for few minutes of enjoyment and fun, we spend hell lot of money without battling an eyelash. Suppose he works in a restaurant, we try to avoid him or make faces when he comes to clean our table. I believe it is unsound way of giving an alibi just to escape from reality. Some of us will be waiting to find guilt in him and we’ll become masters in ignoring our guilt. Few questions may arouse in your soul, like How can I help? What can I do? But the only question to the answer will be how many can we help? There are too many…….

Indeed there are too many, but we have to understand the basic fact that it’s LIFE. We just have to deal with it. I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel for that boy. He is destined to get inured with his bucolic and penurious life. At a later stage of his life, his exceptional football skills languish and will never even bother to think about it. He gets acclimated to the poverty life.

Sometimes I feel that I’m wasting too much of time thinking about all these matters. If I could be more like other guys, enjoy time of my life in rain and dance as if no one sees me. Perhaps I need to learn the true and genuine meaning of Contentment. As the saying goes, “to get what you've never had, you have to do what you've never done”.


Abhilash said...

Dk, let me tell u, this is the best
desription u've given abt life...awesome:)

Thejus said...

Hey genuinely speaks of what we often get to see today..It kinda makes us ponder over the meaning of life and what it has in store for us..Very intricately written cheers :)

madhuri said...

Truly amazing!!!!!
Loads 2 learn from different experiences in life!!!

Unknown said...

Its amasing one....

AJAY said...

Thought provoking. That describes the interlude played out here. The vagaries of life as it is outside the jolly world of friends, fun and stuff is at times awful. Life as it evolves turns out to be a play in which the fun times is just a complement to the harsh realities that form the flip side of the coin of life. Thanks a lot for this supplement. Keep up the good work

Unknown said...

is dk finally in love? :P

Unknown said...

but u know...the saddest part is...everytime we realise such things,we feel terribly guilty...which fades away..just the way "the rainy day" might have! guess this should come around again n again...n taunt us enough till we do somethin bout it!! cuz we're old n smart enough to do it!

Rakesh M G said...

Classic! A perfect example for the phrase 'experience speaks...'