Welcome To Bangalore City, the so called "Garden city" or rather "Garbage city". This isn't related to what I'm going to write now. I was just Imagining how Bangalore was, five years back. We hardly used to see fly-overs, underpass, etc. Because of this Metro project, mayhem is created. I hardly promenade on KR road these days, which used to be one of my favorite lane for a stroll in the evening!
Situation 1: On my way to Jaynagar 4th block, I had stop for a signal in south end circle. Timer was ticking and when there was just 6 seconds for the green signal. A fat plump guy in Maruti Omni started honking and was shouting at me to break that signal and make transition. The 10second conversation was like this:
me: What's your problem??
fatty: nan magne...mundhe hogo! *honk* (my son..move forward)
me: innu signal bittilla alwa? swalpa kayri! (still there is red signal, wait for a while)
fatty: Nan Kelsa hodre..neen sambLa kodthya? hogo mundhe..(if I lose my job, will you give me salary? move forward)
By the time conversation ended, signal was already green. I changed my gear, and advanced to the next signal in 3rd block Jayanagar. The guy in the Omni came and parked just next to me. He was staring at me, just the way a slaughterer looks at the meat before he cuts. The plump guy lowered his window completely, and said
fatty: nodappa nin hatra Karizma irbohudu, adre bere avrige tondre kodbardu!(you might have karizma, but you should not trouble others)
I was dumfounded and flabbergasted! Why on earth was he referring to my Karizma? I'm sure he would have thought that I'm some rich guy with repugnant attitude. Well, all I can say is "Owner's pride, Neighbors envy"! So to avoid getting lambasted from people, jump the signal prior 10 seconds to green signal. If you don't, definitely you'll face the situation as I did.
Situation 2: I'm fond of exploring places and had never been to JP nagar area. This incident happened near Rangashankara. It was around 6:25 in the evening, and I was struck in a huge traffic. There was green signal but no movement of vehicles. I guess the engine of BMTC bus must have got overheated, so the passengers were getting down. People had completely lost their patience there was again honking, creating a severe noise pollution measurable up to 130dB I guess.(I'm a vtu engineer, so just assumed the noise level). I was still, placid and patiently waiting for the traffic to get cleared, resting my one foot on footpath and other on brake. There was a guy in TVS victor who was just next to me. He smirked and insisted me to go over the footpath, so that even he could escape the traffic. I simply refused to do that. All of a sudden he was accompanied by two more two-wheelers, shouting at the top of their voice and started yelling at me. All I could hear was,
late, helid matu kelu, keluvru irthare bidi, tale kettidya ninge....

I had no other option but to go on the footpath. I hated myself for doing that because two days back I had given Karizma for service and moreover footpath was in the worst condition. So folks, when there is a Brobdingnagian traffic, just look for a footpath and save your time. Don't make the mistake as I did!
Situation 3: How often do we see people jumping the red signal? Don't you think breaking signal has become a routine process? I guess Bangalore crowd is suffering from colour blindness! Red or Orange, people hypothetically assume it to be green. I wasn't able to figure it out, what was the reason behind this. But one day while waiting for signal near BMS college, I figured out this conundrum. voila! The reason behind this is Doppler effect.
The frequency of waves change when relative velocity between the source and the observer is non-zero. And the wavelength decreases when the observer is approaching the source. It is possible to see a Red (or orange) light as Green if you're driving too fast! So when you see yellow, you hurry. That makes it green. If you go much faster, then red light apparently appears to be green. Doesn't this theory perfectly fits the situation? Now the only matter of fact is how fast you must be traveling to observe this effect. Since the wavelengths are in nanometers, Doppler effect can be modified to Relativistic Doppler effect.. Considering the Special Theory of Relativity, fs=f0*√(1+v/c)/(1-v/c), where 'v' is the velocity, 'c' is the speed of light, and 'f0' is the actual frequency. Since Red and Green have wavelengths around 700nm and 500nm respectively, velocity value comes closer to 0.324*c. At this speed, time goes much slower and hence it takes longer time to apply brakes and stop.
I have been observing for a very long time now. More worse the traffic gets, the more crowded it is, and more jams you have. Waiting at each signal 3-4 times usually makes the driver behave unruly and they tend to 'push' slowly out of their restlessness. Even though people are conscious, witting and follow traffic rules, the situation makes them to break it. Considering my case, what could have I done? Argued with them? Definitely it would have resulted in pandemonium.
:D... Ha Ha Ha!!! Lol!!!
Loved the 'Doppler Effect' & Relativity thing...
Seriously, I can't stop laughing so another... LOL!!!
Yes, people have utter disregard for the traffic rules. Bro you gotta see the way traffic rules are broken all over the country. So, not a Bangalore problem alone.
If we stick to our lanes we can make it better...
And ya, unnecessary honking at the signals is a big nuisance...
This is brilliant Indian invention:
Footpath = extension of road...
and also people walking on road even if there is a footpath...
What people don't understand is that- "You are never really caught in the traffic jam, YOU are the traffic jam."
Your thesis would have boggled Einstein himself... :)
Love your posts...
Awesome man!!! I totally agree, but it's sometimes a lot worse than u've depicted!!! So, urs is a pretty decent post:) Luv ur posts... Keep em cumin:) M all ears!!!
Really Good one Dileep :),Especially your Relativistic Doppler effect theory is mind blowing :). Every post of yours' seems to be better than the prev !!!:) Looking forward for more :)
oi dk, u shud hv yelled back at them n created scene.. it wud hv been awesome!!! :D
ps: maga, its not "struck", its "stuck" ;)
all of em r a funny situation..
i noe..i noe...adu anubhavisidavrige gotagodu!!!!!!
i must appreciate tat yu atlest spoke abt it..!!!! most of th ppl either curse r mak fun abt thes situations...
i don understand hw ver yu able 2 relate it vid doppler effect?? luved it thou..!!!
overall a gud blog.. :):)
Superb!! This is the 1st time i'm reading your blog... but 4m now on i'll be a regular reader of your blogs. What a thinking man!!! Doppler Effect & Relativity concept is awesome...
" Travel broadens the mind & raises the spirit"
Since u like biking, i think it's giving u the spirit to write such mindblowing blogs.
Using the situations u hv encountered, u hv depicted the present day traffic situation in bangalore amazingly.
Though there are 1 or 2 spelling mistakes,in total it's a great1.
Looking forward 4 more....:)
u were supposed to be givin ppl a diffrnt word dileep!i mean....more the ppl jump signals,ride on footpaths...,more the chaos!i mean,seriously!its better to have some patience n take some shoutin instead of breakin the law n havin 10 ppl pointing out towards us cursing us for breakin the law!we don wanna be that person(s)!
moreover,i think it varies a little bit areawise!!lol!cuz along my route,from the past 4 yrs that i've been ridin,its been very rare that i've been through such a situation! anyway.....i don think "we"-the country's better next sholud be doin this!
buckle up ppl!lets not give into pressures....start awareness pls!
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hey 222 gud da!!!interesting nd a topic r a problem whr searchin 4 a soln is jus like gettin into a maze!!!
thoughts of bringin in a change haunts r mind nly wen standin amidst traffic nd l8r v 4gt dat xperience as a nightmare!!!
applause 4 yo doppler effect theory!!!!gr8 goin!!!rock on!!!
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