I seriously don't know why I'm writing like this, just a thought struck to me. So here I go.. Have you ever thought of someone special in your life? Yes I'm stressing on "someone special", so how do you get yourself a "special" someone??? Alright then, She (HE in case of a female reader, gosh I seriously doubt girls think in this convoluted way) need not be that special, just enough to make others flabbergasted, how 'you' of all people managed to get hitched. Don't get me wrong, you might be a great guy, with good looks, great sense of humor, all that jazz and stuff...but a 'girlfriend' ?? Seriously. Don't make me laugh, I've eaten way too much!!(p.s: I'm referring to that kind of girlfriend, not just a friend) If you are not really a girlfriend type (being so juvenile, vapid, a senseless clod with an EQ that matches a sledgehammer's..wait wait, before you pounce upon me, let me tell you, I belong to the same category as you are, and can spot a fellow idiot a mile away. Trust me!!) how do you land up with one? dumb luck? May be not, although it does help quite a bit. (Certainly more than the debonair charm you are so famous for...) Maybe you need the charm reminiscent of a 80's movie star! Definitely that's not going to happen, maybe you have to wait for another era, where cloning takes over the plastic surgery and you look like George Clooney or Di Caprio.
Great!!!.. Now we've eliminated two choices that a girl looks for, and you don't have. Then what can you do, to give up your bachelor status?? hmm.. sweet talk? communication between the two hearts? (maybe you need to have good antennas and receptors, with more transmission bandwidth and anti-noise generators to suppress the the unwanted signal.. err..sorry couldn't control) When people like you and I talk, well, lets just say, we dig our own relationship graves, six feet and a whole deal more.

Nice..now three down the drain. What can you possible do now?? Flirt? I bet, by the end we'll be flirting with 'disaster'. Any similar attempts done with the opposite sex results in total, arrant and complete disaster. I guess, you would have better chance walking across a mine field, blindfolded.
OK now we are ourselves free from ostentatious Looks, Luck, Talking and Flirting. Anything left? what is it? Aha..!! its Emotional Quotient Intelligence.. So what if you are akin to that of a sledgehammer's? So what if you are a Genius? What are you going to do? Ask her out with a Calculus book (preferably Thomas and Finny) in one hand and a thesis on Digital signal processing on the other? You'll be very lucky to escape with minor injuries. Its better to shoot on your leg, guaranteed to be less painful.
Finally we are at the end of the murderously painful insight into your love related attributes. Congratulations...you are a new Enigma. Is that your runic attitude that has impressed others? How did you get a girlfriend??? Seriously........
P.S: I don't know why this Idea struck to me, and is not directed at anyone in particular. Look at the category below...
errr..yeah! 1-girls dont think that way :)its a lot less complicated!2-what u tryinna say???i really didnt get get it!i mean...are u tryinna make a point that the possibility of findin the "spl someone" for "such guys" is very less?? or u tyrinna say "what rubbhish"?? :p on behalf of em?? :)
first of all...these ideas oso struk ur mind??? :O
secondly...are yu really bothered d wy it s??? :P
thirdly...are yu nt happy being single?? r 'J' of d ppl who`ve gf`s???... ;) :P :D
Its not about being happy or anything like that...just explaind the plight of ppl like us..I'm sure there are few who think like me!!
Well, Look who is talking... The person who composes a poem like "Ninnolume indale" :)
I dont understand the dilemma.. Is it finding someone special or winning over someone special that is bugging u? well for the first case.. finding someone is ur problem...u should know who is special for u and for the latter, "Just be Yourself", Your someone "special" will defn see something "special" in you :)...Cheers
i agree 2 d previous comment!!!
individuality is one's gr8st asset!!c everybdy are spl in their own ways,doin thngs widout comfort ie against yo instinct will rather hurt u more than makin d othr happy!!!being true 2 oneself n others is somethin vry spl!!
one movie dialogue!!
"koi tumhe badal kar pyaar karein woh pyaar nahi sauda hota hain"
Dileep, i appreciate your attempt in trying to understand love..... But, it's as u think oly in sum cases, not al... I mean, in those cases wer ppl jus hav gf's o bf's for timnepass.... Then they mite fall in luv wit sum1 among them, but generally, it's not really so complicated.... It just happens when u least expect it, n wen it does, u'll slowly cum to know of it, so wait for ur time buddy;) All the best:)
i agree dk....well i jus wanna sy u smtin...all tat u sd s acceptable...sooner r later everybody will ve der 'sm1 spl' n der lyf..if dey tink dey dont ve dem den its jus tat dey fail 2 notice dem!!! :)
hmmm.....dk i'm shocked...i never thought u'll think of such topics..
but let me be frank...i agree wit nam...u cant ju8 conclued somethin...like every coin has 2faces, even relationships also've...u might 've seen gf's or bf's ju8 as time pass but thr r true lovers also..since its hard to find such ppl, v talk abt aomethin called timepass reln..asthe...
u know wot?? love does not tell u that its comin towards u...it ju8 hapens then u'll know wot love is...
lo dk...i'm confused:P:D wot ru tryin to tell????
its not ver clear...namrata is rt...
wait for ur turn:D
did not think you will write about this! i liked it!! :D
Delhi!! talking about someone special!! :O
Is that really u who wrote this blog...
I m really amazed!!!
You are barking up the wrong tree. The refined nature of approach towards your previous blogs is missing here. The direction is not constant but nonetheless, a nice composition. Keep up the good work. Loved your previous entries
Well, first of all thank you everyone for commenting and letting me know where I woz going wrong. Secondly, I agree that I haven't conveyed the message what I wanted to in a readable and lucid way. But that's not the genuine reason, I thought you people know me better and try to understand what I'm trying to express. Its the instances I've seen in real life, that made me write like this. At one point of a time in your life, have you never thought something like this? One day while taking a stroll in Jayangar I saw a rich fat plump of aged around 45-50 going with a female who can be quite comparable to a zero sized model.(the way they behaved, woz quite clear that they were involved in some kind of relationship) When you see that..doesn't these thoughts occur? well, to be frank I've not expressed my strong feeling towards such incidents, but its like a flash thought in your mind.."how in the hell??"..Don't tell me its all like true love and stuff, when I see something like this, I feel "true love" is all kinda bullshit! I hope I've cleared few querulous comments! :)
u r so prejudiced bud...don worry...so am i...:P...\m/
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