Waves lashing by,
Reflecting the nauseating sun
With Davy Jones’s chest calling me
With the lonely islands beckoning for company
This way or that
Where to go??
Where to go??
Here, there or nowhere
The world’s a big sphere – no corners, no ends
The world’s a big sphere – no corners, no ends
I'm Marooned with Jack Sparrow's Compass!
I walk the path –A path created
Or should I take a path unknown – a path I create
The path of forks, twists, turns and bends..
Or should I take a path unknown – a path I create
The path of forks, twists, turns and bends..

Obstacles plenty trip me down
Raging mountains and clouding forests
Evil forces of darkness found
Raging mountains and clouding forests
Evil forces of darkness found
Too much to listen
Too much to see
Baffled by the alternatives
I look at the senseless logic...trying to create sense
hope I'm followed by an albatross!
O! Mighty one
Let the lights on – the fire alight
Let the path glow
Shining through the forests
Lest there be darkness and puzzled faces
Wondering just where to go?
All lost in this world of yours…
Let the lights on – the fire alight
Let the path glow
Shining through the forests
Lest there be darkness and puzzled faces
Wondering just where to go?
All lost in this world of yours…
Hmmmm......... It's a pretty deep poem!!! Very gud use of language:) But i din quite get the essence of the piece!!! I hope you'd find time to expl it tome, coz i'd b more than glad to know:)
Hey! Call it coincidence or what? I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean series (for first time) and you write about it (in a way!)...
Very nice poem... :)
Wish we had a compass like Jack Sparrow's! Wait! Do we have one?
Maybe our heart is that compass... Which shows us what we 'desire the most'...
But since the world says compass should point to the north, always, we end up thinking its not worth it to head in the direction it wants us to...
World and its laws... maybe like the Pirates we must ignore those and follow 'codes' which are just guidelines!!!
hey nice poetry :) not bad at all! i loved the way u've brought out ur confused state [P.S-as in the poem] with reference to Nature! almost all the senses have been compared n used with the elements of the earth!loved it!
Our heart along with our mind guides us through our life! sometimes we take an existing path n sometimes we make one!
Wish we had no rules of existance :) how cool would that be? or how messed up would that be?? hmmpphh! :o
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