Darkness didn't prevail for a long time in my house, mom got irritated and switched on the lights. I guess she didn't know what's the importance of this day. 28th March 2009, World Earth Day! Then I explained her about it, and she wasn't convinced totally. Most of the people still wonder why were they were asked to switch off lights for an hour on that day. "See the difference you can make..Save planet earth..blah blah blah" we could see all such slogans in banners, posters, pamphlets and tv commercials.

This year, Earth Hour has been transformed into the world's first global election, between Earth and Global Warming. For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background had the opportunity to use their light switch as their VOTE! Switching off lights is a vote for earth, or rather a vote against Global Warming. Basically this is an awareness program which is held every year, reminding everyone to think about our very own EARTH! Electricity is the major contributor to global warming.

Bengaluru a cosmopolitan city, silicon city, well known for software, night clubs, etc., but sorry to say this.. it wasn't a major contributor for Earth Hour. Spending an hour without power is not a big deal! Oh oh..sorry I forgot, its Election Time now. The so called great politicians are trying protect our mother earth, busy campaigning "I'll save Earth, you'll have greener future, vote for me!!" duh!! Dont you think its high time thinking too much of ourselves?? We cannot repay back what nature has given us, but atleast lets not destroy it. Lets join hands together and take control of the future of our planet, for future generations. "Jago Jago Jago...Jago...re.."
"vote for earth" BRAVO!! :)
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