Breeze was lull, clouds were clear and no signs of rain. It was an ideal time to ride my baby KARIZMA!! Internals got over and I could hear the crackers bursting as it was the time of diwali. My dark stallion was standing alone under the shades of peepal tree. I was exubrant to set road on fire. The feeling when you sit in Karizma could not be described, you should experience for yourself. I can only say its Stupendous.

Nice Road streaches around 30kms and a perfect place to go for biking. My experience in this road was like Déjà vu!! I felt as if I had been through this before and I reached 130km/hr!!
My bike was Mellifluous and didn't have any problem. But yeah there was some problem with my helmet, the visor wasn't proper. It sucks totally, have to replace a new one. Now planning to gor for a long ride............:)
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