After a rejuvenating biking experience, irksome practical examinations and the whole week which i was supposed to study, ended up in such a waste of time, now I'm back again with a new post just to clean up the cobwebs. I've also changed the theme of my blog just to make it more attractive. Well, the title explains everything, exam to start in 6 days and here I am, without any worries in the world. To be frank, this is not me at all. Usually I end up breaking my nerve, throw things here and there, create small fission and fusion nuclear reactions, pull my hair, etc. However this time I'm totally STRESS free.
I think its because of the approach. I've become more of Rajnikanth these days...Sometimes i say this to myself "kanna...exams aa?? I'll tell you oru pudusu visya, Pigs and sheep study 100 times aa, but lions like us study ore oru saari...ha ha ha ha (sound effects: shh..zmm..zkk..shkk) kanna..studying oru subject is equal to studying all subjects...Yeppadi!". I know it may look weird to you, but its true. Sometimes I turn into kannada-da Kanmani Dr.Rajkumar also, saying all the philosophical meaningless quotes wherever I go. After going through all these distractions, now my mother. Ah..she annoys me a lot, you should listen to the conversation b/w us. I'll be watching TV or will be playing comp games..
mom: Chinnu...... saku time waste madiddu..oodko hogo.(stop wasting your time, go and study)
me: aiyo hogamma, bejaaru. Belagginda oodilva...swalpa rest togothaiddini. ( go mom, its so boring. From morning I've been studying, now I'm taking rest)
Even after 30min, I'll be glued to the chair, sudd suddenly from nowhere and everywhere..
mom: yesht hottu aithu, saku tv nodiddu..hogo exam hatra barthaide. Swalpa nu javabdari ne ilva ninge?? (enough of watching the TV, exams are nearing, don't you have responsibility?)
Hmm..after listening to all these I'll be ready to go and study.. all of a sudden..
mom: remote kodu..naanu serial nodbeku. (give the remote, I've to watch a serial)
Now this pisses me off completely. I can never argue with her, she is so dynamically defensive in her words and if at all I fence, at the end of the argument she wins and I'll be a whipping boy. This is the worst part in the so called "study holidays"..

Examination is just a process. This is not a great challenge. Challenges are yet to be faced. Life is a examination, take it as challenge and succeed it. Oh, I'm talking the crap again (do you really think so?). This time I'm studying purely for knowledge and not for passing. I'll study to pass in my next attempt I think.
Wish me luck anyway! I'll be back after July 8th.